The Remedy Room uses high quality leading brand of wax Perron Rigot. This ensures maximum hair removal with minimal pain. Perron Rigot waxes are hypoallergenic and perfect for very sensitive skins.  Hot wax is used for all intimate and sensitive areas such as the face. Sadie specialises in intimate waxing and has been trained by the most highly regarded trainers in the industry.

Half leg - £17.50

Full Leg - £35.00

Lip wax - £5.00

Chin wax - £8.00

Eyebrow shape - £10.00

Underarm - £12.00

Half Arm - £20

Full Arm - £28.00 (including hands)

Basic bikini and half leg - £25.00

HALF BACK - £18.00

waxing hemyock, devon somerset

Intimate Waxing

Basic bikini - £11.00

A quick wax in the crease of the legs outside of the knickerline only.


High sides and top of pubic line.

Brazillian - £32.00

Thin strip left, nothing else from front to back.

Hollywood - £34.00

Completely bare, nothing left from front to back.